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10 important questions hbook006

Did you know that 44% of Young US College Graduates are on the wrong career paths and 25% of UK Graduates quit within one year of starting work?

According to a poll by the Skills Commission, UK, an ordinary person (young or old) spends five years on average in jobs that underutilises their skills. This translates to between 1 to 9 years of work-life.

That is a staggering data, but it is not surprising. Why? It is a mismatch. While there is nothing wrong with the career paths and the professions people attempt to pursue, most potential employees have not carefully thought through their career options and paths in the right way. Might I add that, there is nothing wrong with people's academic qualifications either.

Now, let us first consider the factors that influence people to a choice of career.

Top 10 Factors that influence a Career choice

  1. Money - It is financially rewarding. There is a lot of money to make. I have met people making a lot of money from their profession and are happy. I have also met people who are making a lot of money but are not satisfied going to a job that brings in the money. The second category of people may not be in the right jobs.
  2. Need - There is a desperate need for money. When someone is desperate for cash, they will take any reasonable income-providing job available.
  3. Ease - It is a very easy job. The job may even be sedentary and does not present any challenges or stress. It suppresses creativity and does not require much effort. Some people like jobs that are monotonous and predictable.
  4. The in-thing or trend - Everybody is doing it, why not me? People have gone into professions they have nothing to do with. Their reason? That is popular or in vogue. It may even be that it provides less financial security or reward, but it looks appealing because everybody is doing it.
  5. Fame or Glory - It makes people become an instant celebrity. TV Presenting, Popular Reality Shows or Sports Personality has made people quick fame. It is not surprising that people will do anything to feature on any such programme or strive to become an actor. It is a fast track to fame.
  6. Influence - Family, friends, teachers and societal influence. People who are close to you can influence the career path you take based on their personal interest or what they have seen in you.
  7. Personal Interest - Curiosity may be the motivating factor. Interest and curiosity have made people chase something they end up doing for the rest of their life. They then realise after some time that their interests have changed, but they cannot change their jobs because that is what they’ve done all their life.
  8. Qualification or Awards - Education and skills acquired. People always assume they have to work in a profession just because they studied the profession. Good as that sounds, it may bring frustration to the individual if they cannot change years after. People also think that just because they are skilled at something, it is sensible they should pursue that line.
  9. Situations - These are too many to count. These includes disability issues, family issues, economy issues, to natural disasters or tragedies. As an example, someone may take up any job that is available and flexible so that they could be close to someone special due to their frailty or need.
  10. Occupational Names - people following the footsteps of their family. Smiths have been known to be blacksmiths. Carpenters have been known to be carriage makers. It is not uncommon to have a family of medical doctors or accountants or even actors.

All the above factors are important in the scheme of things but, in my opinion; they are not as important as the 11th factor - YOU!

YOU! are the most important single factor that can both guarantee job satisfaction and continued job fulfilment. You need first to look at YOU! before you consider any job or career prospect. You need to find out about YOU! It is a journey of self-discovery.

Over the years, I have developed a set of ten questions that would lead you to the discovery of the YOU! Factor. I have used these questions in my life and the lives of other people since 2003. It works. I enjoy what I do, through my books and public speaking.

Answering these ten questions will be the most important exercise you can do for yourself when it comes to the choice of career. It will take just a few minutes of your day but will benefit you for the rest of your life. In less than 30 minutes, you will be amazed at the discovery and the result that you get. Every other thing you would ever do must flow from the discovery you are about to make.

It is based on the Bible verse taken from Philippians 3:13 which says,

“Brethren, I do not count myself to have apprehended; but one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead”

So take a seat, pen, paper and begin to answer these questions. Be honest about your responses and be prepared to accept what it uncovers about you. The questions are listed at the bottom of this post.

However, that is not all. I have put together a downloadable version of the “10 Important Questions You Must Ask About Your Career”. The downloadable version is better and has more. In it,

  • I explained each question in detail for impact and understanding;
  • I included a detailed instruction on how to answer the questions;
  • I will take you step by step through the process of narrowing down to a final solution;
  • I showed how you can interpret the answer and confirm them, so you can apply the result to following the right career path; and
  • I also included, as a BONUS, the "10 Vital Signs You Are In The Wrong Career". This checklist provides you with the opportunity to determine whether or not you are in the right job and whether you should seek for a more fulfilling prospect.

The best thing about this offer is that it is ABSOLUTELY free and won’t cost you a penny. So why not download your free copy now?

Here are the ten questions,

10 Important Questions You Must Ask About Your Career

  1. If you were your boss, what would you like to achieve in life?
  2. If you could not fail, what is the one thing you would attempt before you die?
  3. If money is not an issue, what one thing will you do for the rest of your life?
  4. What is the one thing you enjoy doing 24 hours a day, seven days a week?
  5. What single deed would you like to be remembered for when you die?
  6. If you would not be paid, what single thing you will do and yet do again?
  7. What one thing makes you sad when temporarily withdrawn?
  8. What one area have you always been successful?
  9. What is the one thing you will die for if permanently taken from you?
  10. What one thing can you do successfully naturally, subconsciously?

Hope you did great.

Get your copy of my FREE Resource "10 Important Questions You Must Ask About Your Career" now.

Get The Resource Now

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