Turning Temptations Into Triumphs

Paperback: 128 pages

Publisher: Covenant Publishing (18 Feb. 2015)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 1907734139

ISBN-13: 978-1907734137

Product Dimensions: 12.7 x 0.7 x 20.3 cm

The rage of temptation appears snappishly and usually without warning. It is mankind's ancient yet persistent and undesirable companion - an intruder of the highest proportion and a tormentor of distressing order. Satan, its perpetrator, lurks and creeps around in the dark recesses of our lives aiming to push us to the point of surrender.

Satan is, however, predictable. He doesn't have new tricks. All he does is to remodel and repackage himself. Shouldn't we have known; shouldn't we have learnt? He tried his tricks on Jesus. It was tempting for Him to quit, yet Jesus did not. It was easy to let go, but He refused. Now, as God, He gave us principles in the Bible on how to respond.

Delivered with clarity and passion, 'Turning Temptations into Triumphs' will teach you how to handle temptations. The reader will learn the truths of victorious living and how to apply these truths and enjoy an enviable Christian life. This book is a must-have resource that offers both biblical and practical guidelines for the Christian to triumph over temptation.

The devil can be defeated. He can be beaten, squashed, and shamed. You can stand your ground and say 'No' to the devil and 'Yes' to God. Oh yes you can! It's not going to be a walk in the park but you would get there.                       <BACK


FOREWORD BY REV. DR. FRANK OFOSU-APPIAH, General Overseer, Living Springs International Churches and President, 'Institute of Leadership Excellence and Development' (iLead)

It is without a doubt that God is committed to the success, triumph and freedom of His people as evident in His design, creation and the positioning of humanity on earth. The resources He provides are designed and planned to ensure that humanity, His crowning glory in creation, would reflect Him, in splendour.

However, a college degree is not required to observe and acknowledge that God's original intention is blighted by humanity giving access and a field day to the devil. Instead of freedom, people prefer needless chains. People are bound emotionally, financially, relationally and spiritually. These are invisible chains, but their effects are there to see.

In this book, 'Turning Temptations into Triumphs', Sam endeavors to bring people to the realisation of God's intention of blessing, humanity's invention of ruin (internally and externally), and God's intervention to bring us back to Himself and live in total triumph. In a very well thought out manner, he makes us see that, it is usually the actions of a few that bring suffering, misery and pain to many. This is clearly supported by the decisions, choices and actions of people like Abraham, Adam and David. You will do well to note that our actions are never without consequences and that these consequences do not affect us alone, but also future generations.

Sam admonishes us with the gracious truths that, despite other people's choices and actions that may hurt us, we need not succumb. We can stand, we can run, and we can fly above the things that seek to ensnare and hold us down. You will find practical action steps in this book to help you navigate the tragedies of life. You will be encouraged to know that God's faithfulness is always there to help you withstand any assault that the enemy mounts against you. Yes, regardless of past negative experiences, you can triumph.

Read this book, slowly. Read it again and let the truths presented open your eyes to the fact that yes, you may be tempted, you may be troubled, indeed you may be hurt by others' choices and yours, you can still triumph. May you never again settle for anything less than what God has for you in this life. I see you as a trophy of God's unfading grace and intervention.