Healed In Jesus' Name

Paperback: 156 pages

Publisher: Covenant Publishing (1 Nov. 2015)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 1907734066

ISBN-13: 978-1907734069

Product Dimensions: 12.7 x 1 x 20.3 cm

This book details the fire accident that happened to me and the healing power of God that got me back on my feet from a second-degree burn within eleven days. I do not consider my healing or myself special. God can heal you if you want.

This is not a book just on healing burns. It is a book on healing arthritis, cancer, barrenness, tumours, raised blood pressure, kidney and liver problems, heart disease, depression, migraine, anaemia, leukaemia, diabetes, asthma and many more.

Do you want to be 'Healed, in Jesus' Name'? Say 'Yes' and start reading.                     <BACK



Dr. T. Ayodele Ajayi, MRCPsych, Author, 'Footprints of Giants'; General Adult Psychiatrist; Director, Mentor into Medicine

'Healed, in Jesus' Name', is a scripturally and scientifically sound book reinforced by Pastor Sam's personal experience of healing. The case for healing in this book is captivating and compelling, and the balanced place allotted to modern medicine is highly insightful.

Dr. Olaniyi Ajayi, MBChB, MsC, DipOccmed, Deputy Clinical and Dual Diagnosis Lead; Turning Point: East Kent Substance Misuse Service, United Kingdom

My ardent wish had been to find someone who will be able to give an unbiased clarity to the role of medicine and the belief in God as our healer. In 'Healed, in Jesus' Name', Reverend Sam has been able to tease out and unravel my wish. He articulated and tried to bridge the gap between medicine and faith which has been a challenge especially for those of us who believe in Christ and also practice medicine.

The first surgical and anesthetic procedure was performed on Adam during the time Eve was created. Since that time, God gave us the knowledge to treat i.e. ameliorate and remove symptoms, but only He can heal i.e. restore to full health and vitality. This is what Reverend Adewunmi is testifying to in this book.

The in-depth research done and the scriptural back-up indicate to me that God's word is forever sure and does not need updating. Our knowledge will forever need to be updated as the Lord opens our mind to more innovations and ideas.

The devil has no other weapon but ignorance and deception. It is, however, unfortunate that a lot of Christians have died, suffered and are still dying and suffering in ill health for lack of knowledge about the role of medicine and faith. That is why the bible says my people perish for lack of knowledge (Hosea 4:6). The scripture also says, "Howbeit when the Spirit of Truth shall come, He would guide us into all truth" (John 16:13), and the Truth "is the Word Himself that dwelt amongst us" (John 1:14).

As a Medical Doctor, and a Christian, I believe that no medical knowledge or ability can stop the work of God or contest with His power. He is God all by Himself, and there is no other. I pray that as you read 'Healed, in Jesus' Name', the Lord would open your heart to the new dimension of His power that work inwards and outwards and will bring healing to your whole being in Jesus' name.

Healed, in Jesus' Name is a very inspiring book and I am extremely privileged to recommend this book for reading and healing.

Dr. Darlington Daniel, Consultant General Adult & Liaison Psychiatrist; Associate Medical Director (Havering Integrated Care Directorate, NELFT, UK)

I very strongly recommend this book to anyone struggling with any medical condition in order that you can identify with this great testimony to strengthen your faith and lay hold of the vast number of Scriptures within the book (relating to specific medical disorders) to receive your healing.

There are many things (symptoms or disorders) in medicine that remains unexplained despite the vast improvement and advancement in diagnostic equipment and procedures but God Almighty, Jesus Christ, can explain all. God is the source of all truth and wisdom and the answer to any doubts that, this degree of burns can completely heal so fast can only be found in Jesus Christ alone and to whomever He chooses to reveal it.

I believe in the miracle of healing because I have also personally experienced it and even as a Medical Doctor knew that it was not medically plausible, only Jesus Christ could do such miracles. To Jesus Christ alone be all the glory for this wonderful testimony.