Good Finish To Bad Start

Paperback: 134 pages

Publisher: Covenant Publishing (11 Feb. 2013)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 1907734449

ISBN-13: 978-1907734441

Product Dimensions: 12.7 x 0.8 x 20.3 cm

Life is about choices. You are a product of the choices you made yesterday. What you will become tomorrow will be determined by the choices you are making right now.

In this captivating book, I share with you profound insights on areas of your life where choices that affect your future are made. In simple practical steps, you will see how by the help of God, you can go from a poor start to a good finish.

Your past may not be your fault but what you become tomorrow is your responsibility, and your choice!                             <BACK



Sam Adeyemi - Pastor, Author & Host 'Success Power International'

Good Finish to Bad Start sounds to me like 'there is hope for you.' And that is the message in this book, that whatever wrong turns you may have taken in life until now, you can turn things around. Not only does this book offer hope, it gives you a plan for executing your turn-around experience.

Pastor Sam is a sound teacher. Good Finish to Bad Start is written in an easy-to-understand style, so I encourage you to develop and write down your action steps as you read along.

Great! We're ready to go. Don't drop this book without deciding that you will give life your very best shot. That is a good place to start. Happy reading!

Dr Tayo Adeyemi - Senior Pastor, New Wine Church UK

With white hot passion, no nonsense directness, unequivocal frankness and absolute clarity, Pastor Sam delivers sound, sensible, pragmatic and down to earth life truths that are difficult to ignore in Good Finish to Bad Start. He uses thought provoking and hard to forget anecdotes to drive his point home; and he makes biblical truths accessible to everyday living.

This book is many resources rolled into one. It is a time management manual, a financial empowerment handbook, a personal motivational bible, a life coaching workbook and a Spirit-led living guidebook all at the same time. Whatever your story, no matter how poorly you started out in life; Pastor Sam flat out tells you that you have no excuse for finishing poorly.

Femi Omisade - National Overseer, New Covenant Church UK

God does not make failures, so everyone is born with the potential to succeed and end well in life. He does not also require of people what they are incapable of, so He equips us to succeed. Part of the equipping is the people He has placed in our lives to nurture, nourish and build us up in various ways. Having worked closely with Reverend Sam Adewunmi for many years, I am convinced he is one of those assigned to build up people to succeed in life.

Whatever stage you are at the moment in your journey in life, this book will help you along in the process of finishing well.

Dr T. Ayodele Ajayi - General Adult Psychiatrist; Member of the Royal College of Psychiatrists; Author 'Footprints of Giants'

I have been inspired reading the book Good Finish to Bad Start. Now I have a scriptural backing for what I've always believed that Christian young men should marry in their mid-twenties and seize life early.

Citing biblical, classical and contemporary sources, Pastor Sam engages readers in a captivating message of hope. In a light to read, but dense on wisdom and insight approach, he woos you to finish with a bang, whether you started from a bad, better or the best background. I highly recommend to you a book which I believe to be highly inspirational, without reservation.

Rev. Wale Babatunde - Senior Minister, World Harvest Christian Centre (UK)

Reading the book, Good Finish to Bad Start, was a delight to my soul. It is filled with nuggets of wisdom that is bound not only to inspire and inform you but also to propel you to become the best you can be in life. No matter how bad your beginning was, you can still rewrite your history. I not only celebrate my brother, Pastor Sam, but I encourage everyone both leaders and the led to read this book.

Gbenga Badejo - Principal Partner Park Royal & Lagos Finishing School (UK & Nigeria)

One of the things I have come to realise about life is that, this is the real thing; there is no practice session before joining the big game. This is it. This is the big game. In many cases, people realise they are in the big game far too late. They squander opportunities, misuse their time, squander money, destroy relationships and suffer the determined consequences of leading such a reckless life. This is why we need some help to learn how to redeem time, plan ahead, be focused, work diligently and have a burning trust in God - all of which are offerings from this book. Sam Adewunmi's critical analysis, down to earth examples and on-the ball analogies makes this book a life changing, yet entertaining read.

The author's impassioned plea, encouragement, cajoling and soft nudging to see people and their lives transformed is evident as you read the book. What better describes his heart than the title of the book itself 'Good Finish to Bad Start.' In other words, though you may start badly, you can still have a good finish. Go on and finish good.

Tayo Arowojolu - Pastor & Author 'Make That Move Right Now'

Pastor Sam in this book has really painted, in a well written form, what everyone has been trying to say for a long time. It is not about opportunity, it is about having an eye for it, the ability to identify it, run with it and obtain, retain and maintain it. This book will be beneficial to everyone wanting to map out their steps towards a successful future.

Tayo Yemi - Pastor, New Covenant Church Barcelona (Spain)

A compelling read which helps the reader develop tomorrows realities today. No matter what stage of life you are, this book will inspire and enable you to realise that your today and tomorrow can be much better than your past.

It is a much held belief that life opportunities once lost can never be actualised again. Good Finish to Bad Start enables one to realise that opportunities will always avail themselves to a person throughout one's lifetime, irrespective of past failures.

This book goes a step further by enabling the reader to identify general opportunities and pitfalls of life.

The author is studious in encouraging readers to plan and strategise the present and future time. For some chances will be as a result of written down ideas and projections.

Dr James O Nanjo - Author & Pastor Restoration Chapel International (UK)

This book by Pastor Sam is a multi-channel cutting edge tool for anyone that desires to become a high flyer in life. The author has released many solutions to most of the everyday-desire and need of everyday-man. It answers most of the questions that place a limitation in people's life, ranging from spiritual, financial, and social. Reading, I noticed that from beginning to the end the book is loaded with secrets of life that can increase the value of anyone that takes time to read and study through. The book will help you learn how to go through the process of your life's purpose to fulfill your dreams.

I am also grateful to God for the author's skillful approach in writing in such a way that reaches everybody at any level of life. Wherever you are in your walk with the Lord, in your financial and business life, ministry or whatever vocation you find yourself, the Golding pages of this book has something positive to offer to you. If you want to take your life's assignment to another level, I guarantee that reading this book will unlock the secrets of the 'next-level' blessings upon your life. You will receive divine energy for unlimited blessings.

All you need in life to be fulfilled is the wisdom of how to move forward from any situations of limitation to the realm of success. Good Finish to Bad Start - That is what this book is also about. You will discover how to move from zero to hero, how to move from nobody to somebody, and how to walk into your destiny without any limitations. Applying the simple practical keys in this book will help you maximize the time you have here on earth.

I heartily recommend this book to anybody that desires to have a balance in their life's assignment to bring the fulfillment that comes from our Father of mercy and grace.

Dr Olaniyi Ajayi MBChB, MSc - Senior Specialist medical practitionerAddiction Psychiatry (UK)

Good Finish to Bad Start reveals an in-depth expression of God's heart for our generation. Pastor Sam unravels the deficient and asthenic mind-set of thinking and reasoning which stops us human from taking charge of our own lives but would rather put the blame on other things such as our genetics, relationships and experiences in life.

I was more than excited when in the third chapter "The Morning of Life" he uprooted the fundamental issue that plagues our society including the church today about the lack of investment into the lives of our children and youth at the most productive time of their lives when we are able to impact their beliefs and understanding. I am aware that only a meager percentage of the church resources are invested into the lives of our children, so a quick reminder that our ministry starts from our home and not the church or mission field is a point worth thinking about.

The author was able to highlight the need for parents to invest not just money but time and emotions into the lives of their children. Parents need to consider raising their children as both a privilege and a responsibility that has divine backing, and as such need to take such roles seriously so as not to miss the crucial period of valuable impartation.

The book has addressed very key issues about raising our children properly and balancing this with scriptural guidance while not breaking the law of the land in regards to safe guarding issues which I consider wide societal problem.

I recommend this book to every person, young or old who is ready to confront their inadequacies and begin to reposition themselves to face the truth of life and relocate themselves to where God has scripted them to be in life by making use of opportunities around them and using their time wisely.